Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Speech recognition allows for communication with hearing impaired

The most important aspect of a patient-doctor visit is communication. The patient must have the ability to communicate their symptoms to the doctor, who then must be able to relay treatment options back to the patient.

Such communication can be made difficult when dealing with a patient who is hearing impaired. If the doctor is not versed in sign language or the patient cannot read lips, an intermediary is necessary for proper communication.

However, that may not be the case should the doctor use speech recognition technology. Using the software, a doctor can talk with a deaf patient like he would with any other because his words will appear as text on a computer screen. This will allow him to better inform the patient about treatment and other care options without missing a beat.

In extreme cases, an intermediary may still be necessary for the patient to communicate, but speech recognition will still make the process easier for both sides.

Speech recognition technology and digital dictation software is helping healthcare professionals improve patient care in a number of areas. Those looking to learn more can visit American Speech Solutions, a division of American Dictation Corp, a national leader in dictation, transcription and speech recognition applications and implementation.

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